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Premier League Fantasy Footy

Fantasy leagues are taking the world by storm. If you are a hard-core football fan, then joining premier league fantasy footy or football is the best gift you can present to yourself. Though any rookie player joins fantasy league in order to become a sole team owner one day, you may first practice a lot if you lack the necessary experience.

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Creating mock drafts, participating in demo tradeoffs are some of the significant lessons you should know, before going ahead all guns blazing. But as Rome was not built in a day, your fantasy dream team will also demand your blood, sweat, and time and above all, the ability to not to commit silly mistakes.

Most of the times, the teams perform badly not because of lack of resources or sporting aptitude, but because of failing to avoid bad decisions. The following 5 points will provide you with a basic guideline about how to avoid rookie mistakes in fantasy leagues:


Premier League Fantasy Footy


Do you want to play solo or in a public league? Are you confident to build your own team? These are few questions you should be clear about before you set your journey in premier league fantasy footy. If you prefer to play as an individual, then join the league where each team is guided by a manager, and you will be just investing your stake.


Fantasy Footy Leagues


For private leagues, you have to invite your capable friends and colleagues in the tournament and build your own team to compete against their respective teams.

A website like Fantasy Football Scout is one of the important resources you will ever find on the internet that contains A-Z guide of fantasy leagues.


Premier League Fantasy Footy


Do you want to know more about the team news of The Telegraph league or the injury report of Channel 4 fantasy league? Then head towards this site.

Depending on your dream line-up and vision, you can pick up a tournament of your choice pretty easily. Also, not giving into peer pressure is another must-to-do act.


Throw Away Fad Magazines and Experts


Whether you are playing premier league fantasy foot or basketball fantasy tournament, always be ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. You will find loads of magazines that are solely dedicated to fantasy leagues; but any seasoned player can tell you that, these printed texts are pretty vapid.



These sports magazines can deliver you lots of messages about the theoretical end of fantasy league but applying them in real life is quite futile. Also, you will find plenty of sports gurus writing columns on leading dailies or sharing tips on YouTube about the dos’ and don’ts in fantasy leagues.

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If you are new to this, then they all can seem pretty intimidating first. But you know what? Most of the ‘so-called’ experts have no hands-on knowledge in owning or drafting a team. Rather find a mentor from your office or real life and learn from him. You need to form your own opinion too.


Don’t Go Overboard with Star-Power


It’s quite natural to get yourself drawn to big names in premier league fantasy foot. But spending heavily on 1 or 2 performers may culminate to an otherwise poorer line-up.


Premier League Fantasy Foot


Obviously, then you won’t have the money left, to recruit even above-average players to fill up the rest of the positions.

Also, the format of daily or weekly fantasy league is starkly different from that of season long leagues. Here, your main focus should be, whether your chosen start performer is able to notch up sufficient points for the team or not.

You don’t need to worry abbot his long-term track record. So, if any celeb player of your team faces injury, you should go for his replacement. The Same approach must be mitigated in the case of performance drop too.


Get Educated with Technical Fronts


Though fantasy leagues are relatively simple in the case of formatting, still you should learn some technical nitty-gritty of the game. This includes knowing when you will be awarded score points, and when you will lose them.


Premier League Fantasy Score Points


Do remember that, what’s happening in the real time match has a strong co-relation with the fantasy match. Suppose a player from your team makes pass leading-to-a-goal, this event can prove a turning event for your fantasy team, as it will also gain points simultaneously.

Want to know what this method is called? It’s Earning Assists. In similar fashion, losing points for your fantasy team can easily be co-related with the real-life team.

If any player from your group is shown a red card, then your team will also lose scores at the same time. Do you think that this is a default practice in fantasy leagues? You bet not. However, it’s still very popular among, team owners.


Budget Allocation is an Art


Allocating your bankroll while lining up your team, is an art. There are different methods involved in this process and not each of them is applicable to football only.

One approach among them is the ‘rock and pebble’ method. Here you first shortlist the start performers of the previous season in your line-up as the rocks and then fill up the other positions with rest of the players (the pebbles).

Striking a balance is highly required whenever you are distributing your money in drafting up your team. Do give the highest importance to three positions: forwards, goalkeeping, and defense. Also transferring to players acts an important role.


Premier League Fantasy Transfers


One of your star performers may face any injury during the league. What to do then? You have to trade off with the other team owner to replace the injured player. Check out whether your leftover budget is enough for this. Saving some amount for rainy days is a good idea in the first place.

Apart from the above 5 points, keeping your hope alive throughout is an absolute necessity. Feeling pessimistic about your team’s future is an obvious blunder, even if you are inundated with sorrow due to score loss. Chining up and taking the necessary steps are required here.


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