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Funniest Fantasy Football Team Names Ever!

Football is one of the most popular games across the country and the world. Hence, it is not surprising to find millions of people willing to spend money, time and effort to make some profit out of football betting.

There are many ways and means by which it is done. While betting on various matches, tournaments and leagues are the most common method; there are other ways and means by which also it is done.

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Over the past few decades, fantasy football teams have become hugely popular. As the phrase itself suggest, it is about creating a fantasy team where various bettors contribute money.

The team is revolved around the major players of the day, and the budget could run into quite a few million pounds. There are laid down rules and regulations which help the teams to build a solid team.

The rules about transfers and points are awarded for goals scored, goals saved and various such other such events. Wins and draws have their points, and therefore it is almost like being a part of the football action on the ground.


Funniest Fantasy Football Team Names Ever!


Each team has to have a name of its own. Hence, it is quite likely that you could come across some of the funniest fantasy football team names. Since these names are christened by the managers and other stakeholders who create the teams; they are left to their imagination, likes, preferences, and tastes.



If we look around the internet, it is quite likely that you will come across scores of names as far as these fantasy teams are concerned. The list of such names is quite big, and it may not be possible to list down each one of them.

However, we will try and have a look at a few of them so that it could give an idea as to the limit to which imagination of people could go. It perhaps could also be useful for those who are keen on looking out for the funniest fantasy team names.


Hide and Zeke


It is one of the few fantasy football team names which evinces quite a bit of laughter and fun. It has perhaps taken roots from the good old hide and seeks games which many of us might have played in our younger days.

Though the internet and computer games have all but taken away the fun of such outdoor games, the solace lies in fact, that this name could be considered as one of the funniest fantasy football names ever.


Funniest Fantasy Team Names


It could also go a long way in helping us to remember the good old school days when hide and seek was a great outdoor entertainment. It offered lots of fun and good exercise to the body. Hence, this name perhaps will be a good omen for all those fantasy team managers and owners who are keen on building a strong and robust team.


Golf Balls


It is another name which might look something different from the game for which it is being chosen. Golf and football are quite different from one another, and therefore it would be interesting to find out the reason as to why this name is being given for a fantasy football team.

Nonetheless, there are reasons to believe that it could go a long way in helping the football supporters to have a closer look at the team because it certainly is a suitable candidate for being declared as one of the funniest fantasy football team names ever.


Vanilla Weiss


It is a unique name, and it is unlikely that not many football teams would be willing to have this as a name for them. It looks certainly a bit weird and funny, but it is the composition of the team which matters the most.


Funniest Fantasy Football Names Ever


Managers and other stakeholders would most certainly be interested in rather focus on the quality of players who are a part of such team names.

However, at the same time, in a crowded fantasy football environment, they would like to stand away from the crowd. Towards this objective, team like Vanilla Weiss could certainly be interesting in more ways than one.


My Little Kone


Those, who are real football fans, would most certainly have reasons to be happy when they come across fantasy football team names like My Little Kone. Kone is a reasonably well-known footballer. He is an important player for Everton and, therefore, all Everton fans have many reasons to be happy.


Funniest Fantasy Football Team Names


He is extremely powerful and has had a reasonably successful outing as far as the various EFL leagues are concerned. Therefore, diehard fans of Everton and Kone have reasons to feel happy that there is a big fantasy team that has been built around him.

It certainly is a great way to say thank you to him for the contribution he has made to English football and the entire game of football in general.


Lallana's in Pyjamas


This name is certainly hilarious stuff and, therefore, it could be in line for an award should there is one for some of the funniest names as far as Fantasy Football are concerned.


Funniest Fantasy Football Team Names Ever


It would be pertinent to mention here that this name could have won quite a few votes privately though it is unlikely that there ever has been a naming contest as far as Fantasy Football teams are concerned.




The above are just a few of the many dozens of names which one could come across. Hence, if you are planning to start a fantasy football team, it would certainly be a great idea to spend some time on the internet.

You will certainly be able to come across many rib-tickling names which could fascinate you. You could also use your imagination and who knows, you might also be successful in coming out with some real funny names.


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